Customer Testimonials

“I would highly recommend Paul Davis Restoration and in particular, Eric Robart and his team. We had two major home projects and both were done with professionalism, great communication and attention to detail. We would call Eric again in a second! Thanks to Eric and his entire team! ” – Nancy W.

“They were very timely and clean. They always called me to let me know when they would be there. They did a great job.” – Deb and Jeff S.

“I’ve worked with Paul Davis before. Have always been very good, professional and this time was no exception.”
Dalanne P.

“The contractor and his team were easy to work with and very understanding to my wants and needs. Helped me with every step; with cost, choosing replacement cabinets, scheduling workman with my time frame. I was very impressed with the time it took to complete the project!” – Teresa H.

“Absolutely great company to work with!” – Yuris D.

“Very pleased with PD they were always on time. They constantly kept in touch with me and I appreciated that a lot.” – Sylvia D.

“Prompt and efficient and did a good job. We had a great experience.” – Sara B.