Spring Thaws: A Hidden Danger in Lincoln

As we jump deeper into the spring season in Lincoln, it’s natural to start feeling more happy and optimistic about the world around us. The flowers are blooming, the birds are chirping, and you don’t have to put on multiple layers to go to work. What’s not to like?

But this doesn’t mean that spring is risk-free. Spring thaws can lead to flooding that can cause major damage in homes and businesses. At Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Lincoln Nebraska, we want to help you minimize the effect that these incidents can have on you. But first, let’s discuss what spring thaws are.

What Are Spring Thaws?

After temperatures in the winter freeze the ground, the soil isn’t able to absorb the melting water in spring. The water will then run off into nearby rivers, streams, and lakes. Additional water in these areas results in an increased probability for flooding.

Preparing For Spring Thaws & Floods

It’s quite unlikely that you can do anything to your home that will keep it from flooding, but there are a couple of things that you can do to prepare yourself for an event like this. Begin with a specific emergency evacuation plan. If you live in an area with a higher flood risk, you’ll also need flood insurance to offset your expenses. For more information, visit ready.gov/floods.

Recovering From Flood Damage

If spring thaw flooding hits your home, grab your emergency supplies and get to higher ground as quickly as you can. After the flood is over and you are confronted with repairs, call Paul Davis Restoration & Remodeling of Lincoln Nebraska. Our objective is to offer prompt and professional flood cleanup and restoration service in Lincoln.